
Showing posts from July, 2021

ACCELQ Hackathon Roundup

The weekend of 1st and 2nd May 2021 started on a high note with ACCELQ first-ever Hackathon powered by The Test Tribe. The hackathon witnessed around 200 registrations from 9 countries and roughly 130 organizations. It was a weekend filled with learning and networking where Automation professionals battled it out to solve interesting challenges. Behind the Scenes ACCELQ Team worked hard to craft the best five challenges which would showcase the true power and breadth of our platform challenging the traditional ways of automation. The challenges required the participants to know about data parameterization, cross-linking of parameters, generating random strings, verification using regular expressions, dealing with large DOM pages, making scripts reusable, ensuring proper synchronization, intelligent object handling, working with dynamic elements, and lots more. Be it making the walkthrough videos, adding functional description, resources, and evaluation criteria everything was done with